23rd JAN 2025 @ 9pm GMT / 10pm CET
Being at ease with the life path that has been experienced is an important part of choosing, with love, the way of the heart for the upward moments of now. Being at peace with ‘All and Everything’ within a world of expressions in polarity is an important part of expressing a visionary change that will be seen through creative spirit. In the mind, there are many different ways to engage with the creative forces of the universal system. The most powerful way to create with speed is to engage patience with love of life in the heart. This draws into being ‘All That I Am’ through a greater focus of attention. It draws into being ‘All That I Am’ through a greater will to engage as love, and it draws into being everything that exists for the planet’s well-being and the future of all species.
It is also important to recognize that the world is a creative place of mind. It upholds universal laws and delivers upon them through a very specific life-coding system within each and every person. Inherent within this coding is a vision for the planet. The more people engage with a restful mind, the more the planet eases into a restful state, and the more all natural restorative expressions within the planet are reflected upon its surface. Being at ease with each and every aspect of this is important to engage the restful state of the planet. Any thought of urgency creates a force of expression within polarity, and each and every polar expression creates a separation expression within the earthly plane.
Wars on Earth represent the heightened state of polarity and express in line with shifts in nature’s earthly forces. Movement of the planet’s structure in rock, water, and air all occur through mental stimulation of the polarized state. The natural, progressive reality of life is to recognize the interconnected state of mind with matter. Recognising this, all becomes clear.
It is also important to understand that in every person’s life path, there is a strong connection with the physical matter of the body. The collective nature of mind in unity brings forward an awareness of life that is very powerful in physical restoration. When focusing on the material world in an urgent manner to restore balance, the universal law mostly engaged is one of natural cause and effect. A ‘separate’ identity in belief always upholds urgency. Unity with the strength of creation always engages with a peaceful awareness of ‘All and Everything’ as it is.
So, first and foremost, let us engage with a peaceful awareness of ‘All and Everything’ as it is. In this state of mind, the universal law of attraction begins. It draws towards the creator expressions upon Earth, experiences of divine nature. Because within each and every person, there is a divine expression awaiting to be seen, to be known, to be realized. Within this divine expression is a soul connection that bonds through love, peace, unity, joy, and the heart. Through engaging with this, matter can move mountains. And in engaging with this, mountains are moved.
Now, imagine that a healing platform begins from a place of restitution, a place of peaceful intention, a place of recognizing the full potential of matter responding through a focused connection as love. Imagine that the heart itself responds through deep intrinsic connections. ‘A wish to live’ is a wish to deliver upon the heartfelt connections that exist within the Earth plane. ‘A wish to live’ is a calling to unite the expressions upon Earth with an eternal awareness that is present within each and every person, within each and every life force, and within every biological and non-biological expression of life engaged with love for ‘All and Everything.’
With this now in mind, let us focus our attention upon one divine heart, calling for life and love within many divine hearts. Imagine that this divine heart is a light—bright, focused, and full of purpose. This light, bright and focused, is asking for the world to listen to expressions of mind that are drawing the attention of all toward a greater awareness of connectivity: of love, of joy, in every moment that exists within a creative awareness. In that joy, there exists a phenomenon that is healing—a powerful, mindful connection within ‘All That I Am.’ This healing expression restores all physical ailments to greater peaceful restoration of life within a shift in cellular memory, a shift in cellular focus, a shift in capacity, and a shift in alignment with the future. In this shift, it is expressed that the body can heal from any dis-ease, malfunction, or expressions of subconscious disharmony, and instead, a greater focus of attention is known to exist and is shown from within.
So, let us now, in this moment, focus our attention upon one bright light shining, calling for life to demonstrate the healing of the mind. Let the focus ignite that healing from within. Let the focus demonstrate that expression with ease. Let the focus be the natural state of creative force in which health and well-being are inherent within every person. Let this be the focus, the calling, the love, the connection, and today’s joyous celebration of Jan’s life.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.