Cath and Andrea met at university in 1990 where Andrea was studying Pharmacy and Cath was studying Psychology. They immediately sensed a strong connection and have remained close friends ever since.
After leaving university Andrea followed a very successful career in the pharmaceutical industry whilst Cath became a hypnotherapist and teacher. In the following years, Cath learned about the nature of the mind through some extremely interesting experiences in her hypnotherapy practice. Meanwhile, Andrea had a near-death experience that changed the direction of her life, and she began learning about meditation and the value of listening inwardly.
In 2009, their journey and investigation into the mind began to accelerate when, together, they began to explore the connection with the mind more deeply through hypnosis. In these hugely exciting, early days, Cath took the role of hypnotizing Andrea and asking questions of the voice that spoke through her, whilst in trance. Over the months and years that followed, Andrea honed her ability, through discernment, to hear this inner voice accurately and now her channel flows freely and fluently. During further studies of the mind connections through hypnotherapy and counselling practice, which both Cath and Andrea continued in professionally and for interest it became apparent that the universal mind — the deep connections of life that flows between us all and further into the beyond — is not only available through the focus of attention but it opens up into the deeper wisdoms of the Self. From inner-wisdom to universal awareness, the other universal platforms that exist are communicating through the etheric into our daily lives, often without recognition.
With other like-minded individuals, Andrea set up a well-being centre which began to build a community of people wishing to explore the mind, Self and healing. With focused attention it became apparent that deep seated past issues within peoples lives could be brought to the surface and transformed through the power of forgiveness and further, beyond, into the love of Self that requires no forgiveness, for all is known. The work between Cath and Andrea, thier clients and personal studies and reflections become apparent as a life long commitment to the greater good, for humanity and for the inspirational Self-mind that is within us all to be realised.
In 2015 Cath and Andrea spent much time in Turkey to work on a book they were creating together. Whilst there they visited the ancient sites of Ephesus, Priene and Miletus and whilst meditating and connecting at these sites, they discovered further the amazing connection with past lives, Mother Mary and the ancient philosophical wisdoms of the area. The information and channelling about the past lives lived in these ancient times, and the nature of reality, that came through was not only mind-blowing - it was also fantastic fun! It was at this point that Andrea and Cath had the shared dream of running retreats in Turkey.
With that in mind, the time spent between then and now, has been developing the connections and ability to offer such guided retreats of inspirational Self-journeying. The reality of life in the higher states of conciousness revealing who we really are and the truth of life in the eternal leads us to examine more closely nature and our role upon this planet. The main priority being to lift in vibrational capacity to ensure full enjoyment of life and the transformational journey of the planet to allow that for all. In this, connections with our neighbouring planets and the alignement of the universal platforms becomes the compass through which Earth and our species as humanity can align with love and light for the entire. Releasing fears of the mind that are born from conditioned past and perceptions of the gross world and its limiting beliefs as constructed experience for our realisation. Realising yourself into the Divine Mind Experience allows you to enjoy living and allows the exploration of life to be easy and fun filled.
So it is with much excitement and anticipation of fun and further enlightening times ahead, that they are now offering these retreats to share this amazing experience of connection and Self-discovery to others.
If you would like to join us on this adventure then book your place and be ready for some fun, connection and a deep dive into the knowledge and wisdom held in the shared platform of higher states of conciousness. As our journey increases in speed towards conclusion of the question ‘Who Am I?’ we enjoy life together as a caring community of human beings every day more and more.