Personal data is information that directly or indirectly identifies a natural person. Such information could include a name and e-mail address.. We process your data for the purposes set out below. For as far we collect personal data through cookies, please find more information here.
When submitting a contact request on our website, in order to answer your questions, we use the personal data you provide us via our contact form and chat on the website, such as your e-mail address, name and phone number. We have a legitimate interest for processing this personal data based on article 6(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’), since we are not able to contact you without this information. The provision is not a statutory or contractual requirement or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract. However, if you do not provide the contacting information we may not be able to answer your question.
We give our customers the possibility to review our services on different third party websites such as Trustpilot or Trusted shop. The personal information you provide with such reviews could be later seen on our own website and communication material. We may process this data based on your consent as set out article 6(a) of the GDPR. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before your withdrawal.
We will never share your data
We implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access and against all other forms of unlawful processing. Also, we require our data processors to implement such appropriate technical and organizational measures.
Your data will be stored no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is collected unless otherwise required by law. We retain information of all processed orders for seven years in order to fulfill our obligations under applicable tax laws. Information of accounts without any orders will only be stored for 18 months before it is deleted from our system, the same will be valid for accounts inactive for 24 months (with inactive we mean that we have not noticed any interaction by you with our Website for a consecutive period of 24 months). All artwork files uploaded on our platform will be stored for a period of 18 months before deletion